Welcome to website of Hewelt, s.r.o. - investiční skupina STGCZ
The company is administrating an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF).
Contact us for more information.
The Company is registered with the Czech National Bank (CNB) in the list of institutions administering assets in a manner comparable to the management of investment funds under Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll. on investment companies and investment funds (ZISIF). The Company is not subject to CNB supervision. The company's services are designed to institutional and qualified investors not to the public.
Fund performance (last valuation 31.01.2025)
Hewelt - CZK | index S&P 500 - CZK | |
Gain from inception (30. 9. 2018) | 122.48% | -100.00% |
Gain over the last 2 years | 27.04% | -100.00% |
Gain over the last 12 months | 15.80% | -100.00% |
Gain over the last 6 months | 8.26% | -100.00% |
Gain over the last 3 months | 9.97% | -100.00% |
Gain year to date 2024 | 16.52% | -100.00% |
Performace plots